#Attribution1{display:none;} ]]> -->

062324 umop Microschooling Meanwhile


The offer of your time and attention as a Volo (volunteer fiddlehead) is not one the Bureau of Academic Affairs takes for granted. The following heroic activities earn you the number of PLUNDER ducats shown, as well as insider swaggery.  This program is in the early stages, and will be added to as lightning and ideas strike.
  • Test all the links in the ocademy website dropdown menu to ensure they work! (best done on a computer or tablet) - 50
  • Beta Test Element quiz (short version) - 10
  • Beta Test Element quiz (long version) - 25
  • Beta Test element course (through to completion including quiz, earnings for each course taken) - 25
  • Beta Test an OmniQuest (1st one to be tested in January 2020) - 100
  • Serve as a beta reader for an Omni Tale - 25-250 (depending on the piece)
  • Leave a scripted voicemail message for a Love Among the Brambles episode. These will be used in Youtube vids - 15
  • Submit a ridiculous etiquette question to Prunylda Figg's Manners Maven column - 10
  • Do voice-over commentary (with a partner) on a chapter of an Omni Tale. These will be used in Youtube vids - 25
  • Do a scripted Station AOAS omnicast. You can do voice-over only (no video of you) if you prefer. The format will be like a cheesy newscast - 30
  • Share an original post from the Academy's FB page - 5
  • Join your element's Forum - 10
  • Recruit someone to our Fiddleheads Unite group - 50
  • Post a video of you reciting the Omni HRu - 50
Fiddleheads are responsible for tracking their own earnings so when the time comes that they want to cash in, they can supply a list of the activities in which they engaged. Make sure to note dates, titles, anything you can think of to help us gauge the impact of your thoughtful activities, for which we are most grateful.

[updated 15 October 2019]