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020725 Omni Dif. BtB-KC + Cafepress. Clue Club. BDL

Dipping a quill into philanthropy

Our mascot, Marmaduke, sends woolly-mammoth-sized thanks to those who have already selected a beastie to sponsor and befriend as part of our Fabled Creature & Endangered Monster Rescue program. Donations are now being made to seal, tortoise, and elephant aid organizations!

Perhaps even more exciting is the addition of our Golden Quillers component. Since most of our critters are unable to write their own thank-you notes, they need help to do so. 

Enter our Golden Quillers—volunteer children age 8 and older who take on the task of writing thank-you notes on behalf of the beasties.

Not only do they get to help animals (which most kids love!), they have the opportunity to get involved in philanthropic activity. And once they pen 10 letters, they are eligible to earn a gold-tipped quill pen of their own.

Visit the OmniBeasties.org site to learn more about Golden Quillers, or to make a new friend and help animals in need.