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062324 umop Microschooling Meanwhile

Bells & Whistles

Omni Tale 
book club kits

Our complimentary Bells & Whistles book club kits give your group everything you need to engage in lively conversation. 
Paired with each novella's Omnopoly game, you'll be an Omni Tale authority! 

Kits include:
Welcome from the author
Reader-submitted questions answered
Character roster
Discussion topics to stir the pot
Behind-the-scenes trivia
Glossary highlights 
About-the-author info
Links to related content

Kit content is based on the premise those using the kit have already read the applicable novella. 
Thus, the kits are rife with spoilers!

The term Bells & Whistles is thought to have come from
the elegant embellished contraptions of Rowland Emett,
as seen in the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang